Harris Horology - Watch & Clock Repair by a qualified Horologist London

Expert servicing, sympathetic repair and restoration by a qualified and accredited horologist in London. Contact us about your watch or clock or make an appointment today.



(ho·​rol·​o·​gist | hə-ˈrä-lə-jist)


1. an expert in horology
2. a person who makes and repairs clocks or watches



(ho·​rol·​o·​gy  |  hə-ˈrä-lə-jē)


the art or science of making timepieces or of measuring time.


We are an Accredited Fellow of British Horological Institute (FBHI) and a member of the British Watch and Clockmakers Guild.

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Watch Repair

From a high-end pocket watch to a sports chronograph, we are able to perform all work varying from a battery change up to a full restoration. In all our work we offer unparalleled expertise.


Clock Repair

Whether it’s a complicated carriage clock, an inherited longcase clock, or a precision regulator, we have the skills and expertise to repair all types with house calls available in London.

All comments posted above are directly quoted from Google Reviews.

Watch Clock and Chronometer Repair and Restoration, horologist london.