Book an Appointment for Watch Repair and Clock Repair - Harris Horology

Book an Appointment

If you still need to do so, I would recommend contacting us for an initial discussion about your repair before making an appointment.

We are specialists in the repair of watches, clocks and chronometers who do not work on everything; to avoid disappointment it's wise to speak to us beforehand. Either by email or by the form on the 'contact us' page, with details of the item and ideally some photos.

From there, we will be able to give an approximate quote based on your needs which will avoid any major surprises in terms of budget and timeline. Furthermore, because we are not able to work on everything, you may find that it will save a wasted journey if this is the case.

We do our best to reply to emails and form submissions promptly; the office is generally open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday so please allow us a couple of days to get back to you.

We find that in general, looking at clients who have not had a discussion prior to an appointment, there is a large proportion who are surprised about potential costs or lead times and often elect not to proceed further with repair - so we strongly recommend contacting us beforehand to avoid this: your time is valuable after all.